This Seromon's Pod Cast
Mark 1:14-15 "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!"
Two weeks ago I preached on the Kingdom of God (or Heaven). The topic is one that most people don't understand. The idea that the Kingdom is not a place (heaven) or a people (the Church) but rather the reign and rule of Christ on Earth. Or God's power manifested through word and deed or reason and the supernatural (miracles).
1 Corinthians 4:20 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.
The illustration that I used (my wife's idea) was that the evil one (Satan) owned this round piece of real estate (earth) from the fall to the birth of Christ. The coming of Christ took Satan's rule from him by force and the cross was the legal binding document that evicted him; Satan got served. Now he is the bad tenant who is in the eviction process and his is trashing the place (all of creation) on his way out. The planet is no longer his, all authority has been give to Christ. Matthew 28:18 He now has the keys to the planet and demonstrates is authority by overcoming "nature", sickness, death, poverty, demons, politics, slavery and the like. The power of God is the rule of Christ it is the Kingdom here and "now". The reign is the "not yet" the reign will be the completion of the cross or when the sheriff comes to forcibly remove the bad tenant who has been trashing this place.
In the mean time we have been give the keys back. All authority has been given to us through Jesus. John 14:12 Satan has no more authority; except for what we give him!
Saturday May 1 and Sunday May 2, I will be preaching the follow up on this. We will look at how Jesus confronted the enemy of God in Mark 1 and how that should be our model. And if we follow that model we will have victory in our life that we could only pray or dream for. Real miracles folk!